photo blog #7

BLOG #7 - Camera Angles/Shots

 Hello, and welcome to todays blog! (Thanks for reading ;) In this blog I will be covering 3 out of the 11 camera shots and angles we learned about in class as a part of the AICE Media Studies curriculum. This will be a three-part blog, including a a spreadsheet of all the photos I took for this assignment on the third one. Enjoy!


        - Establishing shot

An establishing shot is a shot usually used to establish the setting of a scene. Because of this, it is more often than not the first shot of a scene.

This is a photo taken directly outside of my school. It shows not just the entirety of the building, but a bit of the surrounding area as well. I thought this would be a good establishing shot, considering the rest of the photos were taken in the school. (With the exception of the p.o.v shot)

       -High Angle

A high angle photo is taken anywhere above the eye level. This angle is usually used to make the subject look weak, powerless/defenseless, etc. It can also be used to amplify feelings of hopelessness, or just make the subject appear inferior.


This image is taken above the “eye level” of the subject. In this case, the mannequin. As you can see, he looks very weak and defenseless with the help of the higher angle.

       -Low angle

A low angle photo is taken anywhere below the eye level. This angle is usually used to make the subject look powerful and strong, or to give them a sense of superiority. It can also make the subject appear confident and important.

Female Mannequin, photo taken from a 
lower angle. As you can see, she does in fact 
look like a very strong and powerful woman.


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