
Showing posts from November, 2023

Preliminary Task

                                                                              Preliminary Task Blog A double page spread, I tried to make the headline symmetrical on both sides at a 90-degree angle. I played around with different text colors and sizes, and decided a lot of color worth pop would fit nicely for the look I am trying to accomplish. I also decided I'd prefer to have whatever photo I may choose to be right where it can stand out, so I placed the theoretical one blown up completely covering the left page.  Some key elements of my design include: Contrasting colors Good amounts of white space for a sophisticated look Blown up headline and main image


  Magazines contain a variety of topics in relation to a genre. There are hundreds of thousands of magazines that cover a wide variety of ideas with intentions to inform, entertain, or other. Genre refers to an artistic composition characterized by similarities in subject matter. So, a magazine under the genre of beauty would contain different compositions on things regarding beauty, such as makeup, skincare, haircare, etc. Magazines along with other media organizations usually classify topics to target a specific audience, for example, a beauty magazine would be considered a special interest magazine, which tailors to the interests of a feminine audience. There are three magazine categories, which include: General interest magazines Special interest magazines Professional magazines General interest magazines cover multiple topics, that do not necessarily have to be related to each other. They can cover a diverse range of topics; these magazines can entertain the general public and

Magazine Design - Anatomy of a Magazine

                                                        There are 4 main principles of a magazine layout, according to designer Shumi Perhiniak ( Purpose, balance, hierarchy, and readability. 1) Purpose. What is the purpose of your magazine? What is your style? Consider your audience. Who are you trying to reach? Choosing language, style and content that fit the purpose and audience of your magazine can make it more engaging for your audience. The whole point is for your magazine to tailor to the interest of your audience, so paying attention to your purpose and how to bet fit it however possible is imperative. 2) Balance. Is your content overwhelming on one side or the other? content on a page should be evenly distributed. Unbalanced content on a page can create an uncomfortable feel. Humans are naturally attuned to symmetry; we like things that are even. So, because of this it will make your readers more susceptible to wanting to actually read your content

House Style

                                                     House Style In simple terms, House Style is the standard format and/or set of rules a specific media organization uses for writing and designing documents which will be read by editorials.  There are two standard types, U.S and U.K style. Whichever style said organization decides to go with must be consistent with that style. Style's can even be personalized or you can create your own creativity with your house style but it is imperative that that style is displayed frequently throughout your magazines. Reference(s):

Magazine History

                                                                Magazine history Magazine's origins date back all the way to the late 1600's. The modern magazine model roots back to early pamphlets (brief booklets, usually containing somewhere between around 5-50 pages), broadsides (a piece of paper on either or both sides and folded), and chapbooks (small inexpensive stitched tract formerly sold by inherent dealers) * this information was largely collected from the first linked reference at the bottom of this page* The earliest magazines usually were specifically tailored to appeal to one specific interest, such as politics or other. A variety of material was used during these times, as supposed to modern day where the material is almost always either paper of a digital edition. During the 1700's, some early editions of magazines were so influential, they are still regarded today as  "some of the finest English prose written." * once more, refer to the first refe